HomeGuideNews in Ethiopia Today

News in Ethiopia Today

Let alone news in Ethiopia today, it is truly frustrating to find a good news source anywhere in the world, for various reasons. First, many sources have limited trust in the public eyes, others are biased, the majority broadcast the propaganda of the funders, and the rest have no primary resources. In today’s media world, the race is to get an audience, only to make more money from Ads.

This makes the priority to fall on what people want to hear rather than what is the truth is. We witnessed this in the US media when president trump scolded some local media for their biased presentation. Others who are politically on the other end criticize the other media. As both media have their own funders with opinions, the game does not seem to center the public, rather the money to be made.

How should we use these sites?

Ethiopia news for today or Ethiopoia news on youtube today is a few of the needs the readers have. Some are looking for print media while others are looking for videos and images. In all cases the websites listed below have their own good and bad side depending on who is consuming their content. Some have a biased approach, in the mane of a view. Some are from the view of some group or some journalist.

Finding a concreated data in fact is not important compared to what the analysis of the data could bring. Analyzing raw data is necessary. At the same time, the process should be free from any biased opinion. This is where the diverse media with diverse opinions come into the picture.

If you have limited time sites such as AllAfrica and google news will make the process of getting news easy for you. The aggregate of news from various channels, and on the same website is useful.

Are there news in local language?

Amharic, Ormigna, and Tigrigna are some of the few most used languages in the news today. Some international websites such as DW and BBC have dedicated versions of the news in these languages. Most of these sites change the language by either translating the websites or using /Amharic at the end of their domain. If you are looking on search engines just include the language you want to read next to the website name.

What are the news websites in Ethiopia and the world that offer up-to-date information on the current situations? What special feature do they have to differentiate them from the rest? Here are 27 online platforms that are good sources of news in Ethiopia today.

bbc ethiopia news to day
BBC Ethiopia news to day

BBC News in Ethiopia Today

The BBC is one of the world’s leading public service broadcasters. Their BBC one is one of their most-watched channels, and BBC Two and BBC three an online youth service with award-winning programs.

BBC News Ethiopia has begun its broadcasting in Amharic recently, and it has gained attention from the locals. Especially their independent and viral type presentation, seem to fit the current nonexisting category of Ethiopian journalism. The recent BBC news Ethiopia Tigray, and BBC News in Ethiopia Today in Amharic have good examples.

BBC news in Ethiopia today

aljazeera news ethiopia
Aljazeera news Ethiopia

Aljazeera News in Ethiopia Today

Aljazeera, a Qatari media network is a private organization, the deems to be independent and usually focuses on the minority story. The News media network had caused controversies with countries for their unique perspective on their news presentation.

Aljazeera has a no different image in Ethiopia either. The media has gained a negative connotation for a few for their stories on the Nile and the Grand renaissance dam, and even the peace in the region.

However, the Aljazeera news in Ethiopia today is a unique view to get updated news on Ethiopia and other countries in the region.

Aljazeera News in Ethiopia Today

independent Ethiopia news
independent Ethiopia news

The Independent News in Ethiopia Today

Independent news media is a platform from the UK since 1986. It began as a newspaper and it had about 60k daily circulation in 2015. The news network has an online presence since 2008, and it covers from art to fashion to health on its programs.

The Independent News in Ethiopia Today covers basic political events in the country and is a good source for basic facts on the region.

The Independent News in Ethiopia Today

africa news in ethiopia today
africa news in ethiopia today

Africanews News in Ethiopia Today

A multilingual news media service from Congo, Africanews is another good source of news on Ethiopia today. The media believes in people’s intelligence, and in reporting without having preconceptions. They aim to support the development of the content and empower the people by providing trust, and independence on news, business, culture, sport, and stories.

Since its’ launch in 2016, the service uses English and French as a medium, and also plans to integrate Swahili, Arabic, and Portuguese. The channel covers a basic and detailed analysis of events in Ethiopia. It explores news in Ethiopia today, events in the country.

Africanews News in Ethiopia Today

Euronews news in ethiopia today
Euronews news in Ethiopia today

Euronews News in Ethiopia Today

Euronews is a pan-European pay-TV news network from France. The network began broadcasting in 1993, and it covers world news from the European perspective. They claim that they are Europe’s leading We are Europe’s leading international news channel, with global, multilingual news and with a European perspective. They are in more than 160 countries.

Euronews believe that all views matter. They pursue being impartial to fulfill the belief. They also diverse the ethnicity and background of their journalists. Euronews News in Ethiopia Today reports on the conditions in the country and political events. The news channel provides an updated and independent report on the current news on Ethiopia today.

Euronews News in Ethiopia Today

The gurdian news in ethiopia today
The gurdian news on ethiopia today

The Guardian News in Ethiopia Today

The guardian is another British news and media website, that is responsible for almost all content on the newspapers of the Guardian and the observer. Its popularity soared since the September 11 attack in the US and has reviewed a lot of readerships based on its reports.

They say they value group work. For this, they support open culture and be curious and innovative to become progress in the field. The group concept also extends to diversity, where there is inclusivity where everyone treats each other respectfully. They also believe in excellence and standing together on what they believe is right but not easy.

The Guardian also has views on the current events in Ethiopia news today. They provide consistent reports on the current situations in the county. Their news on Ethiopia today includes politics, wars, and conflicts.


allafrica today news in ethiopia
allafrica today news in ethiopia

AllAfrica News in Ethiopia Today

AllAfrica is an aggregate website on Africa from over 140 news organizations. It covers life, culture, politics, and much more. The channel has content in English and French and has offices in Cape Town, Dakar, Lagos, Monrovia, Nairobi, and Washington, D.C.

The AllAfrica also covers Ethiopia news for today and provides the best resources for it.

AllAfrica News in Ethiopia Today

The New York Times Today News About Ethiopia
The New York Times Today News About Ethiopia

The New York Times Today News About Ethiopia

The NY Times is a US daily newspaper from New York. Since its inception in 1851, the NY Times has won 130 Pulitzer prizes. The paper is one of the topmost viewed, and trusted sources despite criticisms here and there.

The New York Times Today News About Ethiopia covers basic facts and events and presents them with detailed analysis.

The New York Times Today News About Ethiopia

France 24 news in ethiopia today
France 24 news in ethiopia today

France 24 News on Ethiopia Today

France 24 is a French-owned international news TV network. Its channels broadcast in English, Arabic, and Spanish, and French languages.

You will find direct and to-the-point news on Ethiopia today by visiting the website. A simple report is a good way of getting fast information on Ethiopia news today.

France 24 News on Ethiopia Today

un ethiopia news in ethiopia today
UN news in Ethiopia today

UN News Ethiopia News for Today

The UN news is a reflection of the organization, and most of the news in Ethiopia today is from humanitarian and local views. The UN news Ethiopia news for today includes crisis, conflict, right, humanitarian needs, aid, peace, and related events in the region.

UN news in Ethiopia today

dw today news in ethiopia
dw today news in Ethiopia

DW News on Ethiopia Today

Deutsche Welle or DW is a german media broadcasting in English, German, Spanish, Arabic, Urdu, Hindi. The media has around 1500 employees, 1500 freelancers from 60 countries.

The DW news media believe in free media, free expression, free societies. Their focus on the development of a free media system and independent journalism. Their work on women, under voices for change, and insights, research and analysis are also important.

DW is one of the long-standing media that broadcast in Amharic as well. Their news on Ethiopia today is an important part of their development.

DW news in Ethiopia today

CNN News on Ethiopia Today

cnn News on Ethiopia Today
CNN News on Ethiopia Today

CNN once called fake media by Trump is one of the top broadcasting agencies in the world. Its prior foundation in 1980 as 24-hour cable news made a path to other 24 hour services. more than 90 million TV households subscribed in the US in 2019.

The website was launched in 1995, and it has now become one of the most popular in the world. On the website, the company got prizes for their reporting, their data gathering, and more.

The CNN Ethiopia news for today provides a short analysis, and from diverse viewpoints. The Ethiopia news today section reports from major facts to reports to the news.

CNN news in ethiopia today

ap News on Ethiopia Today
AP News on Ethiopia Today

Associated Press news on Ethiopia Today

Associated Press (AP) is an American nonprofit news agency, located in NY. The agency is known for its being the only media to do analysis on US election, including race and representatives.

The AP news on Ethiopia today includes politics and major events that have an effect on the country level.

Associated Press news in Ethiopia today

Reuters news about ethiopia today
Reuters news about Ethiopia today

Reuters News on Ethiopia Today

Reuters is an international news organization with 2500 journalists, 600 photojournalists in 200 locations in the world. This implies that Reuters is one of the largest agencies in the world.

The Reuters Ethiopia news for today has an analysis of the regional political events, and it provides reports and data.

Reuters Ethiopia news to day

google news in Ethiopia today
google news in Ethiopia today

Google News About Ethiopia Today

Google News is a news aggregator service by google. The platform gathers news from thousands of sites and presents it in a simple way where users can filter and consume it. You will find regional-based news, even based on keywords, and subscribe for the category. Google News makes it easy to get updated Ethiopia news for today.

Google news

VOA  ethiopia news to day
VOA ethiopia news to day

VOA Ethiopia News for Today

VOA is another US-based media, funded by the US congress. With 47 languages, the international broadcaster distributes its content on TV and Radio to the international community.

VOA is largely known in Ethiopia as well, especially for its Amharic today news about Ethiopia. The Oromo and Tigrigna programs are also available. VOA has played a key role in Ethiopian politics, and its consistent broadcast in the middle of interaction fluctuations and media bans has been useful.

VOA Today News About Ethiopia

VOA news today in Ethiopia in Amharic

the africa report ethiopia news 24 x7
the Africa report Ethiopia news 24 x7

The AfricaReport Ethiopia News To day

The Africareport is an English language magazine about African Politics and politics. The award-winning magazine has been founded in 2015 and has published reports on Africa and its possible future. They believe in an impartial and authoritative stance.

The Africa Report has an Ethiopia news to day section where detailed issues are discussed.

the Africa report today news in Ethiopia

Ethiopia reporter ethiopia news 24 x7
Ethiopia reporter ethiopia news 24 x7

Ethiopian Reporter

The Ethiopian Reporter is a private newspaper in Addis Ababa, Ethiopoia. The newspaper has print media, websites in both English and Amharic languages.

The Ethiopian reporter has a section on news on Ethiopia today and has recent info.

Ethiopian Reporter

ezega news now on ethiopia
ezega news now on Ethiopia

Ezega Today News About Ethiopia

Ezega is rather a portal, that includes sections on jobs, real estate, classifieds, entertainment, and news on Ethiopia today. Ezega is an information center in various sectors. They have a piece of good information on jobs as well. Readers also come to find jobs on their platform.

Ezega News on Ethiopia Today

Satenaw Portal and News on Ethiopia Today

Since its inception in 2013, Satenaw has been one of the few sources on Ethiopia news for today. Calling itself a portal for everything, Satenwa provides views and breaking news on Ethiopia today. Satenew is a group of independent journalists with political analysis skills and IT professionals.

Satenew News on Ethiopia Today

mereja news in ethiopia today
mereja news in Ethiopia today

Mereja Forum and News on Ethiopia Today

The Mereja Forum is one of the few discussion forums in Ethiopia. Since its inception in 2008, the forum has grown to have held discussions on current events and news on Ethiopia today. Its prime focus is Ethiopian news and events.

The basic feature of the website is its Ethiopia news for today. Its updated information, and information gathering, especially on eyewitnesses give it a unique position as a source of news.

Mereja Forum and News on Ethiopia Today

addis fortune Ethiopia news for today
Addis fortune Ethiopia news for today

Addis Fortune

Addis Fortune is another source of information and business news on Ethiopia today. It claims to have promoted a partnership between local and foreign firms. The newspaper has a large section on the current events in the country.

The tenders and jobs sections of the website offer free info on existing jobs in the country. The newspaper is also an important one for similar reasons.

They also have paid subscription service where users can register and get unique information, and faster.

Addis Fortune Ethiopia news to day

Zehabesha today news about Ethiopia
Zehabesha today news about Ethiopia

Zehabesha Ethiopian News for Today

Zehabesha is a source of news on Ethiopia today. They claim they have balanced news and perspective on the current events in the country and the world. They focus on various areas including education, politics entertainment, sports, and more.

Zehabesha is one of the growing news sources in Ethiopia as well. If you are looking for diversified topics in Ethiopia this platform is probably one of the places you need to visit.


Ecdaf news in ethiopia today
Ecdaf news in ethiopia today

ECADF News now on Ethiopia

ECADF news Now on Ethiopia has a good readership. The website has a good presentation of the current events in the country. The opinions section displays what the journalists think of the current events, while the news delivers facts. Videos, news, opinions, and music are the most viewed parts of the website.


nazret today news about ethiopia
nazret today news about Ethiopia


Nazret Ethiopia news today’s website is probably one of the oldest, since 2000, and has a decent amount of information and data on the current events in Ethiopia. The Nazret website has various sections including politics, opinion, news, video, business, sports, and lifestyle. The website has content both in English and Amharic.

Despite its age in the information sector, the website has not been far from controversial. In 2006, Nazret was one of the few blocked websites in the country by the Ethiopian government.

Nazret news in Ethiopia today

esat ethiopia news 24 x7
esat ethiopia news 24 x7

ESAT News in Ethiopia Today

ESAT or the Ethiopian Satellite Television & Radio is a nonprofit and independent media outlet. They claim that their primary goal is to promote free press, democracy, and human tight. ESAT is one of the controversial channels that had a fume with the government for its reporting. Many believe that the channel had a contribution to the voice of media freedom. Today the media has three studios in DC, Amsterdam, and London.

If you are looking for discussions on the current events in the country, then ESAT is your destination.


walta today news in ethiopia
walta today news in ethiopia

Walta Information Center

The Waltainfo website is another old news source, since 2001. Walta TV is another most viewed channel in the county as well. The website has national, Africa, and intentional level news and deep analysis. These regional categories have further reports on Economic, political, and social events. The business, sport, health sections also have important information.

The website has three working languages: English, Amharic and Arabic.

Walta Information Center

Finally, on Ethiopia news Today

The need for the Ethiopia news today is increasing rapidly. With the introduction of mobile-based sites, the locals consume content both from youtube videos and websites. Data shows that the need for updated information on the current events of the country is increasing. The public is looking for diverse media with independent views.

It is a common assumption and stands that most of the media have an affiliation to ethnic, or political, or funder’s stands and views. This makes a balanced view impossible. For this most content consumers have a narrow appetite for most of the local private news media. The public media are dismissed as a mouthpiece for the leading power, while the privates are either ethnic-based, or politically biased, or even not up to the standard of what a good source of information is.

For this the need for a quality media is necessary. Big companies such as BBC have entered the media in local languages in search of profit by providing a different view. VOA is another US government-funded media specifically designed for the international community. VOA Amharic has been a source of info in Ethiopia with a firm stand with the public in mind. The channel also played as the only if not the few options for news amid internet and media blockage in Ethiopia.

Aljazeera is another controversial media with a minority first type mentality in its broadcast. The channel has become a center of attention by scaring the status quo and what was accepted as normal. The Quatari media has seen its low points when the US treatens to shut media with force and diplomacy. Its minority-based reports make the media unique as well. This probably happened in Ethiopia as well. The reports on the renaissance dam seemed to have sided with the Egypt side and have angered the locals in Ethiopia.

Euronews and Africanews are other channels with their own objectives. Euronews is yet another European view of Ethiopia and the world. The website reports on the current situation of the country and the world with a twist, that is analysis from the European view. On the other hand, Africanews is a website interconnecting the region with info objectives in mind. The website presents its analysis in various languages.

The UN news is another relatively independent view with a goal of reporting on humanitarian issues. They report any human right violations and wars, and their consequences. The aim is to understand what is going on on the ground and prevent possible crises.

GoogleNews is one of the few aggregates out there. The platform brings hundreds of news sources and stacks them based on category priority and trust. Here the audience can search for news based on keywords or the date of the events, and receive all the info from the various sources.

The Ethiopian reporter is one of the few newspapers in the country today. In fact, it is one of the few with a good readership. The online version of the newspaper is similar to the offline newspaper and has valuable analysis of current events.

Mereja forum is unique in its presentation and offers a traditional discussion feature rather than a blog or magazine type presentation. Although the forum has a low audience on the discussion deck, it has a good number of impressions every month.

Ezega is another unique approach to information. The site follows a traditional portal type presentation with more than one category. The front page has categories including entertainment, jobs, news, and classifieds. Similar concept to Yahoo or AOL in the 2000s, the website is a smaller and simpler version of these giants.

What makes ESAT unique is its approach to satellite TV. It is one of the few private satellite TV focusing on the news and discussions.

Finally, Finding news on Ethiopia today has become easy since various trusted sources are taking the position for the public good.


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